Art for Interiors

Curating Art For Residencies

Yorland Republic provides skilled art curation for luxury properties as worldwide art advisers for interiors, including custom art commissions and complete art collections. We contract artists to create unique artworks - such as mural wall art, decorative sculptures, and custom paintings - adapted to the home art project using our expertise in producing art for interiors.

Art Services Tailored to Interior

Yorland republic's art advisers conduct extensive research on famous contemporary artists in order to design a full art collection for households. We curate art collections based on the client's preferences and the interior design.

We source luxury fine art for interior designers and private clientele using our art market knowledge. The modern artworks are available in a variety of mediums and are a good investment.

Interior Design & Art Consultancy

Commissioning a work of art is an important approach to make a statement in interior design. We collaborate with artists to create custom paintings, sculptures, and mural art for the project.

Yorland republic's art consultant controls all aspects of the art commissioning process to create personalised artworks, from conceptualising interior art & design to installing art in the home.

Custom Art Framing & Installation

High-value art in households necessitates specialised care; as art advisors, we manage art installation and create custom-designed fixes for each premium piece.

To ensure the sophisticated display of artworks in interiors, our fine art framing consultant offers a wide choice of custom art frames, including solid metal frames and oak frames with natural finishes.


Our Approach to Residential Art Consultancy

1. Understand the client's vision 

Consult private clients, developers and designers on themes for residential art, and suggest ideas for art in interiors.

2. Conduct art research 

Extensively research contemporary fine art, creating a luxury art portfolio that gives options for the residential art collection.

3. Identify key locations for art in residences

Survey interior design plans to establish key locations for art in the interior design, and curate art placement.

4. Bespoke art commissioning service

Provide a luxury art service for commissioning artists to create custom-made sculptures, paintings and wall art for interiors.

5. Art project management

Turnkey art project management, including handling logistics, art shipping and installation for art in residences. 

6. Final presentation and fine art framing

Devise art presentation solutions, including custom art framing


We provides specialised market knowledge

in the development of corporate art strategy

and the management of art collections for companies.

Corporate Art

Yorland republic designs corporate art collection plans and provides continuing collection management as corporate art advisors.


We find and commission modern artists to create bespoke new artworks that respond to the context and company brand, in addition to supplying collectible artworks for corporate locations.


Public & Landscape Art

Yorland republic provides a comprehensive

advisory service for public art, landscape, and garden projects,

drawing on technical expertise in art strategy and large-scale artwork engagements.

As public and landscape art consultants, Yorland republic has specialist expertise

in developing art strategies and commissioning bespoke installations and sculptures.